Progress is Progress

Progress has not been as fast as I had hoped. I have had a lot of other work to do, and unfortunately, this project has somewhat fallen to the back burner. Despite this, I have made progress that will start the ball rolling at an increased rate. The outline for the game's core timeline, the events of which the rest of the game is built around as far as narrative and puzzles, is nearing completion, and all characters have been fleshed out and personalities solidified. The gameplay design of the final part of the game, the accusation, has been determined. All I need to do now is finish a working baseline so I can start writing and adding the ink files.

The coding half has not been as fruitful. Working with unities UI has been annoying at best, and mind-numbing at worst. I am currently living with the fact that one part of the UI moves 200 units to the right on game start, and I have no idea why or if it is a bug with Unity. That part of the UI is just 200 units to the left of where it needs to be on my editor, which isn't ideal. I plan to take a day and just bust out the entire coding process in one big sitting. I have a clear plan for what the UI will need to look like and how it will function.  Hopefully, my brains won't leak out of my ears before I can finish it.

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